Here are my updated before and after pictures.  The pictures on the left (your left) are from February 8, 2007.  The pictures on the right (your right) are from June 6th, 2007.  Almost exactly four months to the day from when I began this weight loss journey.


The guy above (the old me) had a 42 inch waist.  Now, as of today, my waist is 34 1/2 inches.


See all those rolls of fat on the left hand picture?  That guy weighed 206 lbs .  Think of how big my fat cell’s must have been.  Now, I weigh 169.2 lbs- less than 10 lbs from my goal weight. What a difference losing 36+ lbs of fat can make from all perspectives.

croppedsideviewfeb8.JPG june-6-side-double-crop.jpg

The old me had a gut that hung over my belt.  That 42 inch waist was a miserable traveling companion.  It popped numerous button from the front of some great khaki pants.  Now, when I put on my fat clothes they hang on me like  a trash bag, and my old, old, old clothes fit perfectly.


The guy above is a much healthier, happier, energetic man.  Praise the Lord for positive change and for the strength to endure.

  1. DulceDiana says:

    Wow! How awesome! You look great!

    PS: Do I see some muscle? hehehe

  2. My arm, leg, and shoulder measurements have gone up. But thank goodness my chest and waist measurements have gone done. No more man boobs. 🙂

  3. Neil says:

    That is amazing that you have done this in 4 months without starvation diets and such. Congratulations for your results and for setting a great example (eat a little less, exercise a little more!).

  4. Joseph says:

    Strong work my new friend! I laughed out load regarding popping buttons from the front of nice khakis as I have experienced the same. I started April 1 at 245lbs and as of this morning 224. Waist was 42in, now 38in and now all of my clothes are sagging. Wife just got rid of my 42in pants (attic). At first I was targeting getting to 200lbs, now shooting for 180lb.
    The running joke here at home is that I’ve lost the “pregnancy weight” from our fourth child and now I’m working on getting rid of the pregnancy weights from child 3 to our first born, which was eight years ago!
    Your pics remind me of me (save that I have a better tan, ;)and certainly inspire me!


  5. “Your pics remind me of me (save that I have a better tan, ;)and certainly inspire me!”

    Unless your black I doubt it…lol. And this tan gets much darker- you should have seen me when I lived at the beach while I was in undergrad.

    Good to hear you have had a good amount of success. Here’s to you reaching 200. The key is setting reasonable goals- about 1-2 lbs a week. Don’t be surprised if some weeks you drop four lbs and then the next you drop zero. Just keep your chin up and push forward.

  6. Angel says:

    ra ra!…dont give up and all means…stay healthy!

  7. Lady Rose says:

    Awesome and congrats!!! 🙂 If you need some where to work out around the house I have a ton of yard work that needs doing hehehe You’re looking Great!! Lady Rose

  8. Kate says:

    Congrats on the Weight Loss! Your looking great!

  9. lifelemons says:

    OH MY GOODNESS!!! You look fantastic! I am SO proud of you! I know you have to be proud of yourself as well! YAY!

  10. Brooke says:

    Wow! You look a LOT healthier! You must be overjoyed at your success!

    I have lost 10lbs myself over the last two months, and have a mere 35-40 to go to get to my pre-fat weight… Daggone baby weight. 😉

    My hubby has lost nearly 40, and wants to lose about 30 more. I’m SO proud of him. It takes a lot of self-control to keep it up!

  11. stevereenie says:

    Once again, Congratulations. You are “walking the walk” …….. Next Stop Lauderdale

  12. Congratulations! 🙂 It must feel great to inhabit a body that you’ve taken care of.

    78% of the way there! 🙂

  13. krislinatin says:

    awesome job, keep it up!

  14. It feels awesome to loss 36 unwanted pounds. Looking back I can’t believe I carried all that around with me. At that point my body was almost 30% fat. Wow.

  15. jarvis says:

    Way to Go Bro! A healthy lifestyle has many benefits!

    Blessings In Christ

  16. It feels awesome to loss 36 unwanted pounds. Looking back I can’t believe I carried all that around with me.

    That’s four bowling balls.

  17. About what my 2 year old daughter weighs.

  18. katieo says:

    Hey great job! Love to see people actually succeeding at this!

  19. Cherry says:

    Awesome! Glad that you made it :). Oh now you are showing off your sixpack hehe. The change in your stomach area is so visible. Congrats.

  20. That’s so impressive! Great job. And I’m sure you’re inspiring others with your dedication and results.

  21. Wickedpinto says:

    Good for you, it ain’t easy to make the changes necessary to manage that kinda of change.

  22. “Good for you, it ain’t easy to make the changes necessary to manage that kinda of change.”

    I think that with the right support, both heavenly and worldly, we all can achieve the same or greater results. Wait till you see my pics at 159.

  23. Donald B says:

    Dude …

    Great before and after pics! Very impressive … and very motivating! Thanks for laying your life out for us like this. You have kept me motivated to eat right and exercise.

    Go with God,
    Donald B

  24. isaacme says:

    Wow! Looks MUCH better

  25. Debbie says:

    Looking Good. You are an inspiration to others. Have you tried Bryers sugar free ice-cream? It tastes like the real thing.

  26. Nope, not yet. I pretty much steer clear of ice cream lately. I’ll give it a shot though.

  27. writeathome says:

    Congratulations on the great strides you’ve made in losing weight!

  28. Ellie says:

    congratulations 🙂 i need to do that kinda thing, but being healthy and coming to the end of a degree doesn’t really mix too well unfortunately! but soon….soon!!!! 🙂

  29. […] his inspirational story and more before and after photos […]

  30. Michelle says:

    I’ve been doing this 3 weeks and have only lost 6 pounds…I don’t think I’ll be seeing the 30 pound weight loss I was hoping for, but I do feel better already getting back into shape. Now I’m running–hopefully that will shed some extra unwanted poundage!

    Thanks for inspiring me!

  31. “I’ve been doing this 3 weeks and have only lost 6 pounds…I don’t think I’ll be seeing the 30 pound weight loss I was hoping for”

    Your pace (2 lbs a week) is very good. Hang in there. Stick to your plan and set realistic goals that aren’t too far apart. Maybe try a two week challenge with a goal of 2-5 lbs weight lost and 1/2-1 inch lost from the waist.

  32. tom says:

    very cool.
    just browsed here and had to reply.
    I will be 40 in October and had to make the change before I felt it too late and I gave up cause “I’m too old” 🙂
    I started 3/17/2007 at 248 lbs, today 07/28/2007 I weighed 204. Our dimena, and solutions are almost identical. More small meals, water, some cardio, VERY healthy eating, some lifting … works wonders.

    So awesome to have been on this journey together, even if we don’t know each other and had no clue the other was doing the same thing. Congrats. 6 pack abs is not impossible btw. only a few more lbs from where I’;m at now … keep it going brother!

  33. Congrats on your success Tom! Awesome to hear about other folks who accomplished their dreams/goals.

    “some cardio”

    I would emphasize some for several reasons. I have been horribly unreliable with my running. But my weight workouts end up serving as both my cardio and resistance training. How so? I do three to four triple sets each workout. Which means I do three to four groups of three exercises with almost no rest between those three exercises. Usually the three exercises target different muscle groups- like one grouping might be squats, deadlifts, and push-ups or leg lifts, bench press, and side planks. This has worked wonder thus far.

    Although, I am starting to think that at this point (to get rid of these last ten pounds) I need to make a more serious commitment to cardio. Time to take my running program seriously.

  34. krislinatin says:

    Hey, i’ve been thinking about the last 10 pounds over here, too. i think cardio is the key, and dropping any unneeded calories, but its hard. my attitude is, i’m working out, i’m healthy, if i want a little snacky i can have one, but it just adds up. and when i cardio; treadmill, exercise video, my knees hurt, mostly from lifting too much. my calorie intake is 1800-2100. which has got to come down to get rid of my middle section, i’d like to see a little definition in my muscles.
    Got any suggestions for me?

  35. “i’d like to see a little definition in my muscles. Got any suggestions for me?”

    Want the good news or bad news first?

    Well, I’ll start with the bad news. For those of us who aren’t 18 and don’t have awesome genetics with a metabolism off the charts, in order to see something as awesome as a six-pack you must strictly police your diet. A snack once or twice a week, fine, but five days out of the week you need to monitor your diet religiously.

    Good news, if those types of cardio hurt your joints you might want to consider turning your weight training sessions into cardio. Do supersets or triple sets, which means you take a group of two to three exercises and move from one to the other with very little rest (ten seconds or less). Rest about a minute or (ideally) less between supersets. You would be amazed what it does for the body. You won’t be growing much mass or making lots of strength gains, but you will have a great cardio routine that does allow for some strength gains.

  36. Dave says:

    I’m keeping my wife away from your blog before she gets any more ideas of how to rid me of my svelte 192lbs and 40-inch waist.

  37. Tina says:

    You look great!!! You are an inspiration!!!

  38. Sophia says:

    Wow! Congratulations – you are a true inspiration to me

  39. Thanks Sophia. PLease stop on by again. I am hoping for some major changes between now and OCtober 1st.

  40. Corey says:

    Wow – excellent job bro! 🙂

    I hate to be the latest (2 month later) replier, but I’m really looking for advice on what you ate and what time of the day did you eat it? Did you follow the don’t-eat-anything-after-7pm rule? Did you keep the carbs pretty low througout quest? Any feedback is greatly appreciated. I’ve been doing some heavy research but have not yet heard advice from real people.

    This is good inspiration!

  41. “I’m really looking for advice on what you ate and what time of the day did you eat it?”

    You came to the right place.

    “Did you follow the don’t-eat- anything-after-7pm rule?”

    Nope. I tried to have dinner at least three to four hours before bed- whenever that was. But I didn’t hesitate to eat some fruit or a small snack before bed.

    “Did you keep the carbs pretty low througout quest?”

    Actually, nope. I didn’t count carbs at all. I limited my food intake to healthy foods (which included pasta) but all in reasonable portions- about the size of my palm. Even if you eat pretty junky non-wheat pasta, as long as you keep the serving size about the size of you palm, you won’t eat enough to throw off your diet.

    So bottom line: Eat Healthy, and Eat Reasonable Portions.

    “Any feedback is greatly appreciated. I’ve been doing some heavy research but have not yet heard advice from real people.”

    The other advice I would give you. Eat 5-6 times a day. 3 full meals and 2-3 snacks. I usually use protein powder for one snack since it is easy, and for the other I have a few pretzels and some fruit. Also, don’t be afraid to eat fruit when you are hungry- especially apples, pears, etc.

    If you focus on controlling portion sizes, replacing unhealthy calories dense foods with healthy foods, AND you include a proper regime of resistance training and cardio you should do well.

    And to be honest, my cardio was pretty slack. However, I did hit the weights VERY hard. But if you can do both and stick to them your experience and success could be even better and quicker than mine.

  42. Corey says:

    This is all very good to know. Thanks so much!

  43. […] Total Transformation Test One man’s before and after pictures of a 36 pound and 7.5 inch loss […]

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  46. […] Posts Update: Before and After Pictures…How Many Push-Ups Does it Take to get to the Center of an Awesome Upper Body? Weight loss tracking […]

  47. David says:

    For all you ladies, I was looking and found this site. It has pretty good info about losing weight after pregnancy. It’s

  48. […] Posts Update: Before and After Pictures…Sexercise- How Good of an Exercise is Sex?How Many Push-Ups Does it Take to get to the Center of an […]

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  50. Sikboy says:

    Congrats bro, i bet you dont mis all that fat.

    Do you know what your current bodyfat is?

  51. Not yet. I am waiting until I get back to school so I can have it professionally assessed again. My guess would be somewhere around 15-17%.

  52. fj says:

    You better get a lot of mucle because i can beat you up. anyway good job

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