Archive for January 4, 2009

p1010040Well aside from the problem I mentioned yesterday continuing into today, today went quite well.  That isn’t to say that the day was easy.  It most certainly wasn’t!  But contrary to what many of you think (I know this since I’ve received quite a few emails) I am not experiencing a severe hunger for carbs.  However, I have, based on a talk with my personal trainer, made a slight adjustment to the Velocity Diet.

I was quite unsettled by the severe crash I experienced mid-workout two days ago.  My trainer suggested I incorporated a meal with no more than 30-50 carbs pre-workout.  Based on that suggestion I consumed a PB & J sandwich about 30 minutes prior to today’s GPP training session- but I am getting ahead of myself.

Today: Gearing up for GPP Training Over 20 Minutes Long

I felt good this morning, although I did sleep in a bit.  I began the day at 9 a.m. with a 12-hour Elite protein shake mixed with milled flax (hereafter referred to as Mifl- wait, maybe another abbreviation would be better).   We were in a rush out the door to get to church, so I took that shake to go.

A bit of interesting news to report. (more…)

First the good news.  It has been three days now and I am still experiencing record levels of energy and alertness.  I am no longer suffering that mid-day lag I used to have to push my way through.  Needless to say I am quite happy with that! Moreover, the scale this morning reflected a 3 lb decline since I began this diet AND a reduction in about 1/4 inch off my waist.  Now this wasn’t what I would consider an official weigh-in (I will conduct those at the 7, 14, 21, and 28 day marks), but it is still a bit of good news.

Now the bad news.  This diet should come with a warning, and that warning should look something like this…. (more…)