Archive for January 9, 2009

anatomy-bicep_r1_c11What a day…

Today began with my day 8 measurements, which are already posted here.  The results were great, with a loss of 4.4lbs and 2.1% body-fat.  After that it was back to the usual routine- protein shakes and milled flax seed.

Meal 1: Myoplex Shake, milled flax seed, multi-vitamin, 2 PGX fiber capsules (7:30 a.m.)

Meal 2: Myoplex light shake (10:35 a.m.)

It was just about this time that I got a pleasant surprise- well two surprises.  First, the repair guy from GE came to fix our dryer AND it was covered by the warranty.  Theshowdown-kennycomplete icing on the cake– he looked like Kenny Rogers.  Not just any Kenny rogers.  Nope, he looked like Will Sasso as Kenny Rogers.  Even better than the original if you ask me!

Although one bit of bad news, we will need a new washing machine immediately (I will be at Home Depot tomorrow).  But I left that bit of bad news behind and moved on to lunch; a Myoplex shake and a half serving of Cheerios to fuel my impending workout.

Today’s workout went GREAT!  My GPP training session lasted over 35 minutes. That is up from about 25 minutes last week.  Here are the details: (more…)