Posts Tagged ‘exercise equipment’

For $207 you could buy this at Amazon….


…Or for under $7 (less if you already own a roll of duct tape) you could build this

Learn how here.

New Toy: U.S.A.

Posted: August 25, 2010 in fitness, health

Just got my Universal Strength Apparatus (USA) suspension trainer in the mail.  I am like a kid at Christmas, I can’t wait to try this out!  I think I will visit the park with Sasha this weekend early in the morning and put some serious starting miles on this thing.  I am already thinking of places on the playground to hook it up.

If all goes well I plan on incorporating one day a week (of every two weeks) of body weight exercises into my fitness rotation.  Some serious high rep, body weight, outdoor training.

This is going to be wicked awesome!

Allow me to introduce you to my little big friend.  This is my new workout toy (and the first of several I plan on making in different shapes and sizes).  I will call it a hydro-bar.  The design is simple: PVC pipe + water = hydro bar.  Allow me to guide you through the process…

The process is simpe enough… (more…)

I found this wonderful little toy over at, it is a Powermax sprint sled:

Looks fun, doesn’t it?  That is exactly what I thought.  But the price tag made my jaw drop- $249.95.

So my first thought, aside from selling plasma in order to get my hands on this toy, was how could I build this myself.  I have a pretty good idea.

The recipe:

1 sled from the local consignment shop= estimated cost $12 (more…)

You might be Surprised to Know that….


Used and Abused: Introducing My New Workout Equipment


I don’t know if I am the only one, but I absolutely-totally-understandably HATE when I hear the following words.

I love you, I’m just not in love with you.

Those words make my blood boil.  But I have to admit, when it comes to my workouts- that about covers my current relationship with exercise.  I love the idea of working out and I love the memory of past workouts, but when it comes to present workouts there is little joy top be had.  And I don’t mean to imply any sense of ease when I use the word joy.  some of my best workouts have been stomach curdling and involved severe nausea and lactic acid burning in my muscles that rivaled a four alarm fire for intensity.  And as a former fireman whose been face-to-face with extreme heat and crackling flames I can speak from experience.  My lack of passion led to a bit of mild depression about the future of my workouts- which as of late have been little more than a roughly choreographed bore fests.

That was until I happened across the Men’s Fitness Magazine website as I was doing research for another post (set to drop later this week).  On the front page there was a link to an article on an MMA fighter’s workout.  A few clicks later I was enthralled by this fast paced, intense, hard pounding exercise routine.

Ever tried anything like this? (more…)