Posts Tagged ‘weightlifting’

I ache ALL over.  My legs hurt (especially thanks to those one-legged squats), my shoulders hurt (thanks to push presses), and my core huts thanks to pretty much every exercises I did yesterday.  Oddly enough, otherwise I feel great.   I have plenty of energy, my guts doesn’t quite feel as annoying (even though its only slightly less noticeable visually), and even when I wince with pain when I stand up or shift in my seat it is a good reminder of a workout that went better than expected.

I am not going to push myself too hard as I get back into the swing of things.  For the next three weeks I will stick to about 3 days of heavy training per week with one day off between workouts (and one day day off period each week).

But today is anything but a “day off.”  I almost titled this post something like “first day off,” but i deleted that title.  I deleted it for a reason.  There are no day offs in fitness.  While I won’t be lifting any weights today (with the possible exception of tossing my daughter around) I am working very hard on my nutritional intake.     Today’s meals include:

  • Breakfast: 12-hour Elite Protein Shake
  • Snack: Protein Bar with an Apple
  • Lunch: 2 slices of whole wheat toast with roast beef, turkey breast, lettuce, tomato, spicy mustard, and spinach.
  • Snack: walnuts, unsweetened shredded coconut, and dark chocolate.
  • Dinner:  Function at church, so I have no clue what will be offered.   This will be my first real challenge.
  • Before Bed: 12-hour elite protein shake with milled flax seed
  • ***NOTE: Water is consumed in large quantities throughout the day with and between meals.

I am definitely looking forward to tomorrow’s meals.  I bought a bunch of turkey drumsticks and I will be putting them in the rotisserie with some herbs and spices.

How Healthy are you Right Now?

  1. What is your ideal weight?  Try this site, which will give you several methods of finding your ideal weight.  This will give you a good general idea of a healthy weight range for you. 
  2. How does my blood pressure and my resting heart rate..well…rate?  All you need to do for this one is head down to your local Wal-mart and take 30 seconds at the blood pressure testing machine.  It isn’t spot on accurate, but it is close enough.  I recommend taking 90 seconds (i.e. 3 times) and averaging them out.
  3. Find your caloric needs.  You need this many calories just to survive and exist. 
  4. Check out your waist hip ratio
  5. How are you arteries doing?  Run this simple ten question test to see how your cholestorel level might be effecting your health.
  6. Are you healthy enough to start exercising
  7. Are you presently at risk for diabetes?
  8. How much fat is on my (your) body?  If you have access to a fat caliper click here, if not try this siteand this one too.
  9. How is your vertical jump?
  10. Male girth calculator.  It isn’t what it might sound like.  This calculator uses your wrist measurement to tell you how big the rest of your body should be.
  11. JUST FOR FUN: Enjoy this health and longevity quiz
  12. How many push-ups can you do and how does that rank?
  13. What is you frame size?

How much _________ should I _____________?

  1. How much protein should I be eating?
  2. How much fat should I be eating?
  3. How much fiber should I be eating?
  4. How many carbs should I be eating?
  5. How much (pick your favorite exercise/activity) should I do to lose one pound?  Find out here.

Now I’m Working Out, So….

  1. First things first, do you know proper weight room etiquette?
  2. Finding your ideal heart rate range for cardio.
  3. Find out how many calories are epxended by your favorite activities from standing to yardwork to softball. 
  4. JUST FOR FUN: How does your bench pressing skill rank?  Load the bar with 80lbs and see how many reps you can do.  Input your info and see how you rank.
  5. Calculators for runners.
  6. Predict your one rep max and lots of other stuff.

I hope this helps.  Best of wishes on your fitness journey.  As always, if you have questions I am glad to answer them.