Day 6: Velocity Diet Experiment: Weak Ankles…

Posted: January 6, 2009 in 1, fat, fat loss, fitness, health, life, Me, velocity diet, weight, weight lifting, Weight loss
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anklesI have a feeling that my run yesterday left my shins and ankles weak, and it has impacted my whole day.   I’ve been pretty unmotivated to exercise, and when I did my ankles kept throwing off my balance- but you’ll hear more about that later.

One of Those Days…

When I woke up at 5 a.m. the rain was pounding down on our roof.  It rained most of the morning and on and off all day.  Of course it would rain, I had a good outdoor GPP training session planned.  I mean it was written out in my workout journal AND I was looking forward to it.   Oh well, what are you going to do? Well I’ll tell you what I did, later.

After we gave out daughter her Three Kings day gifts I quickly mixed up a 12-hour Elite shake with milled flax and chased it down with some Metamucil mixed with water.  Is it just me or is this diet making me predictable?

For a snack I grabbed an original Myoplex shake and took my supplements (multi, fish oil, etc.).  I spent most of the day either cleaning the house or reading up on things historical.

For lunch I had another 12-hour Elite shake with some milled flax seed (and boy did that milled flax settle to the bottom of the bottle- ICK!).  Around 2:30 I had an orange so I could get some carbs before my 3 p.m. workout.

My workout was..well…it was odd.  My ankles felt weak and it kept throwing off my balance.  I had to reset several times during my one-legged deadlifts.  Fortunately though, I didn’t crash during this workout- like I did during the last weight training session.  Here are the details:

Workout (Indoor)

  • Warm-up: Stretching
  • Session 1
  • Squat with Sandbag over Shoulders: 30 reps
  • Chin-ups: 7  (felt a little odd during these, can’t really explain it).
  • Turkish Get-ups: 25lbs, 6 reps in the right side, 5 reps on the left side.
  • One-Legged Deadlift: Sandbag in arms, 12 reps each leg
  • Push-ups: 30
  • Pull-ups: 5
  • Session 2 (w/ 2 minutes rest between sessions)
  • Squat with Dumbbells: 45lbs in each hand, 10 reps
  • Chin-ups: 6 reps (palms facing in)
  • Turkish Get-ups: 15 lbs in each hand, 3 reps on each side (BOY are these tough!)
  • One-Legged Deadlift: sandbag in arms, 8 reps each leg
  • Push-ups: 30
  • Pull-ups: 4
  • Total Time: 24 minutes (including 2 minute rest between sessions)

I followed up the workout with my anti-oxidant drink and a Myoplex light drink.

I am posting this early since tonight is cheat night, which means half price sushi!!!! After I get home I will probably drink a 12-hour Elite shake before bed and call it a night.

See you tomorrow.  And remember that the first round of measurements is coming up in two days.  Not tomorrow morning, but the morning after.

  1. Josh Henkin says:

    Very nice work, I really liked your indoor workout. Keep up the progress.

    Josh Henkin, CSCS

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