Over the course of this last year I’ve been amazed by the depth of the friendship within the world of blogging. I’ve developed some great friendships with some highly intelligent and socially well adjusted folks. Who would have thunk it, eh?! So it is about time I gave back to them, and linked to their blogs with a little snippet of appreciation for their friendship and all their kind comments along the way.

My only regret is that since I began this journey so many have given up on the blog world and moved on. So for all of them, you are missed, and I hope all is well.

But for those who remain, he is a tribute to you.

Bridget (A.K.A. Helvidius Pachyderm). Her posts are always intelligent and well-researched, her comments witty and enjoyable, and her affect amiable yet strong-willed. She is the first name on this list because in quality her blog is tops, in quantity her posts consistent, and in personality she is exemplary of the kind of warm-hearted atheist who makes Capitalists look like a positive force in this world. And maybe it warms her atheist heart to know I hope God will bless her so abundantly she can’t help but reconsider her position on his existence.

Her only flaw? Well if I must think of one, it is that she doesn’t comment on my blog as often as I would like.

Neil. He is nothing less than a great man who has completed more good in this world than I have ever thought of attempting. His theology is consistent, his blog a welcoming atmosphere even to those who consistently disagree, and his actions exemplary of how a Christian man should conduct himself. Here’s to you Neil!

Diana. Indeed, she is a woman whose beauty is only excelled by the depth of her compassion and love for God’s creation. Her blog is a poignant look into the struggles and joys of a daughter of God.

My various political allies and friends include: Debbie, Matthew, CavMom, Angel, Tammi, Velvet Hammer, and others I’ve unfortunately forgotten.

My non-political friends include: Tammy, Abarclay, Rachel B., Isaac, PinksandBlues (three very beautiful women who run a business) and others I regretfully forgot.

Religious friends include: The Epiphinator (A marathon running, discipling, beauty), Kiki, Timothy, MLBAH, and others I regretfully forgot.

Weight loss friends include: Israel (a recent friend, but he admires my work so he is obviously a man of refined and exquisite tastes), Lady Rose, and many others who haven’t commented on this blog in a bit so I couldn’t find a link to their blog. See the benefit of commenting often!

And don’t forget to check this out

  1. It’s definitely always nice to give some “link love” to those that take the time to read and comment. I understand the value of good blogging and loyal commenters! 🙂

    I’ve only just begun to read you, but I enjoy your style of writing, and will be back often.

  2. And I enjoy your style of commenting Lotus. Plus I will soon be adding you to my long neglected blog roll.

  3. tam says:

    Wow! I am humbled friend! Thank you!

    I still don’t like to exercise 😉 But I am beginning to warm up to the idea…

  4. Tam you are sure lucky that you can stay thin and beautiful WITHOUT exercise.

  5. Angel says:

    What a sweet post..thanks dude!!!:)

  6. tam says:

    Friend, you are kind! But I have 2 things against me…First, I am unhealthy and I know exercise would help tremendously. Second – I look like a crime scene naked! (can I say that?) I NEED to exercise!

  7. “I look like a crime scene naked!”

    A robbery, homicide, or a simple larceny? It makes a difference you know. When I was bigger I looked like a toxic waste spill…lol.

    Why not start of light, moderate reps, nothing too fancy. Even if you want to do plain body weight exercises like squats, sissy push-ups, and the like?

  8. […] totaltransformation added an interesting post today on Itâs About Time I Recognize My Friends in the Blog WorldHere’s a small readingWeight loss friends include: Israel (a recent friend, but he admires my work so he is obviously a man of refined and exquisite tastes), Lady Rose, and many others who haven’t commented on this blog in a bit so I couldn’t find a link to … […]

  9. I’m offended… thou hast left me out!

    *sigh* oh, well… I’ll just delete you from blogroll… *evil grin*

  10. Rachel B. says:

    THANKS! I cannot believe that I saw my name on that list. I really appreciate it.
    Although I am wondering how you knew I was non-political. I mean, I didn’t think it was that obvious. Even though I tattooed it on my forehead.

  11. Lady Rose says:

    ***big virtual HUGS*** 🙂 It is truly amazing the connections and friends that can be made in this big wide virtual world of blogs. You have been a huge inspiration to me and others.

  12. Thanks, Total! I’m glad to know I have made your list and you should know that I enjoy your blog and friendship as well. 🙂 But, speaking of updating that blogroll… 😉

  13. john says:

    “My only regret is that since I began this journey so many have given up on the blog world and moved on. So for all of them, you are missed, and I hope all is well.”

    This has been one of the more frustrating things since I started my blog in August. Not that I had friends disappear, but that I found really great blogs that hadn’t been updated any more. Did they go on to have the success they were tracking to? Did they give up and are too ashamed to publicly say so?

    Will I be one of them?

  14. […] totaltransformation wrote an interesting post today on Itâs About Time I Recognize My Friends in the Blog WorldHere’s a quick excerptIt’s About Time I Recognize My Friends in the Blog World Over the course of this last year I’ve been amazed by the depth of the friendship within the world of blogging. I’ve developed some great friendships with some highly intelligent and socially well adjusted folks. Who would have thunk it, eh?! So it is about time I gave back to them, and … Read the full post from TotalTransformationTest Tags: Personal, Blogging, Health, Politics, Musings, Entertainment, Family, Life, Links, Blogs, Exercise, Friends, Christianity, Faith, My Life, praise, Happiness, God, Joy, blogroll, weight loss, Laugh, Change, weight, Recognition, Christ, Blessings, Virtues, Online Friends, weight lifting, Weight Fat Loss, fat blogging, weight loss for men via Blogdigger blog search for weight loss exercise. […]

  15. I hope you won’t. I am hoping all my good blog friends keep it going. And moreover, if you (or any of us) must go, please don’t simply disappear. Post a good-bye message. I’ve seen a lot of folks just stop posting and commenting without a peep ever again.

  16. Thanks for the shout-out and the love. 🙂

    Check out the newest search term used to find my blog:

    girls have sex with farm animals


    I’ve seen a lot of folks just stop posting and commenting without a peep ever again.

    Don’t talk about Hank behind his back. 😉

  17. You need to stop writing about girls having sex with animals. Have you written about that recently?

  18. DulceDiana says:

    You bring smiles to my face TT!

    I’m thrilled I can call you my blogging bud 2!

  19. No… I think I wrote about State Farm’s insurance woes and how humans are not just animals who screw about in order to produce more fleas, polyps, or the like.

  20. I told you this on your blog, though, so YOU can now get the hits from “girls having sex with farm animals” or “pix girls sex farm animals” or “girls sex elephant dix pix”. 😉

  21. Okay, the worst search term I’ve ever had was…please don’t read any further if you wish to avoid this…

    Okay, you still want to know?

    “An*l Milkshake”

    EWWWW!!!!! I put in the asterisk so as not to encourage anymore hits for that particular term.

  22. I don’t even know what that is, and I’m a happier person for that ignorance. Actually, I was even happier before I knew that people would think up such things…


  23. Mary says:

    Two of my favorite things in a blog; faith and weight loss! Thank you for your kind comment on my blog! I’ll be back!

    Mary in TN

  24. Thanks for visiting Mary. I look forward to seeing your comments.

  25. Neil says:

    TotalT, you are too kind! Thanks for the message. I was just telling my wife yesterday about your site (and that was before this post!).

    I 2nd the motion on the Pachyderm’s blog (your two are some of the only ones I read these days). Though I still can’t figure out how you get her to do your homework 🙂

  26. It’s the Kavorka Neil, the Kavorka.

  27. TotalTranny even gets old ladies to help him cross the street in bad weather, not the other way around. 😉

  28. tam says:

    So TotalT – I was thinking about an elliptical machine thingy thing. I think with the lupus and my joints being an issue that would be a great “start” for me. What do you think?

  29. cavmom says:

    Aw shuck… I am honored! Blog Hugs to you and yours. 🙂

  30. cavmom says:

    “An*l Milkshake” ?????

    Holy Cow! I will no longer cringe that someone found my site when they typed in “Mom’s Sexy panties”

  31. So honored to have made your list! And to be called beautiful… icing on the cake!!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  32. “I think with the lupus and my joints being an issue that would be a great “start” for me. What do you think?”

    Ask your doctor. But it doesn’t sound bad to me. If you joints are bad you do want to keep it low impact (no running) and elliptical should fit that bill. Also you could try the stationary bike.

  33. By the way tam you also might want to look into Yoga and/or palates for those with lupus.

  34. krislinatin says:

    well, i didnt see kevin or me on that list, and what is wrong with ‘phat booty’?

  35. Woops, as usual you are guaranteed to miss a few people.

  36. krislinatin says:

    Tam, you DID NOT say you look like a crime scene naked!?!?!?!?!oh my gosh, no one could look that bad….. *Lmao up here in rainy washington!

  37. Kris, she probably means like a misdemeanor. HA!

  38. tam says:

    No, I SAID IT! Although I do look like less of a crime with a tan. So how about Misdemeanor int he summer time? Of course my man doesn’t think so… 😉

  39. tam says:

    No, I SAID IT! Although I do look like less of a crime with a tan. So how about Misdemeanor in the summer time? Of course my man doesn’t think so… 😉

  40. Important enough to say twice, eh?

  41. tam says:

    What the???? Feel free to delete 🙂

  42. abarclay12 says:

    Hey Thanks TotalT. I’m honored to be your friend. And I’m loving some of the search terms posted in this blog: “anal milkshake???” That is disturbingly outrageous.

  43. “That is disturbingly outrageous.”

    You think that bis disturbing? Then don’t look up how you actually make one. I made that mistake. Let’s just say when you know how their made it becomes 1000 times grosser then your wildest imagination.

  44. Neil says:

    “TotalTranny even gets old ladies to help him cross the street in bad weather, not the other way around.”

    TotalTranny. Heh. And here I thought this blog was about health and spiritual transformation.

  45. Oh, that nickname is thanks to Whorechurch and his diabolic mind.

  46. wynandco says:

    I have allways wondered. I struggle to pick up wheight. I tried everything. I eat alot ( probably not enough), and exercise, and still eating. What can i do to pick up.

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