What Kind of Nerd are You?

Posted: October 10, 2007 in blogging, challenge, Funny, humor, joke, test
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How much of a Nerd are you?  Find out by clicking below.

NerdTests.com says I'm a History / Lit Geek.  What are you?  Click here!

Yup, that confirms everything I thought.   Although I am a bit disappointed by my low score on “dorkiness,” I guess I’ll live.

  1. Neil says:

    I appear to be a “Slightly Dorky Non-Nerd.” I was surprised; I figured I’d come out “white and nerdy.”

    My daughters claim to be “cool nerds.”

  2. I got:

    My award said cool history/ lit geek 🙂

  3. Way to go MOM! Welcome to the club.

  4. Club? There’s a club? Cool! 😀

  5. Apparently not. Sigh.

    I am 98% science
    79% computers/technology
    14% sci-fi/comic (higher than I would have thought)
    98% history/literature
    18% dumb/dork/awkward (hey – I chose the internet over sex – shouldn’t that put me higher???)

  6. “I chose the internet over sex”

    Wow, I am speechless.

    I am also jealous that you’re a bigger nerd than me in several categories.

  7. Israel says:

    in the firs test i got “Mid-Level Nerd. Wow, it takes a lot of hard nerdy practice to reach this level.”

    the second:


  8. meridianavila says:

    I’m a Cool Lightweight Nerd! (With an emphasis in Computer/Technology and Science/Math)

  9. “I chose the internet over sex”

    Wow, I am speechless.

    I am also jealous that you’re a bigger nerd than me in several categories.

    As for the first: I get all that I want of the former now, but none of the latter. If I were to choose the other way, I would get neither. Besides, it’s a lot easier to ignore icky people when they are on the internet instead of in your bed. 🙂

    You’re a bigger nerd than me in several categories, too. :p We’re tied in literature… befitting of people who go to law school for fun. 😉

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